Small Town: G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê
Example Iron Elven architecture.
StateUnion of Engineers
ProvenceLëcêngthëvi Zone
RegionIlilziyipe Basin
Community LeaderCity Manager Brèbëi Trthëm
Area4 km2 (1 mi2)
Average Yearly Temp25°C (77°F)
Average Elevation1194 m (3917 ft)
Average Yearly Precipitation270 cm/y (106 in/y)
Population Density246 people per km2 (984 people per mi2)
Town AuraIllusion
Native nameG̈lë-yîthi Fêqê
Pronunciation/ˈqɘna/ /ˈjɪθi/
Direct Translation[gorgeous] [route]
Translation[Not Yet Translated]

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê (/ˈqɘna/ /ˈjɪθi/ [gorgeous] [route]) is a subtropical Small Town located in the Lëcêngthëvi Zone of the Union of Engineers.

The name G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê is derived from the Iron Elvish language, as G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê was founded by Shîd Dyeshe, who was culturaly Iron Elven.


G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê has a yearly average temperature of 25°C (77°F), with its average temperature during the summer being a hot 31°C (87°F) and its average temperature during the winter being a cool 20°C (68°F). G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê receives an average of 270 cm/y (106 in/y) of precipitation, most of which comes in the form of rain during the summer. G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê covers an area of nearly 4 km2 (1 mi2), and an average elevation of 1194 m (3917 ft) above sea level.


G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê was founded durring the early 13th century in winter of the year 1235, by Shîd Dyeshe. The establishment of the new community went well, though many minor issues had to be solved as time went on. This was enough to delay construction and push back the formal opening ceramony, leading to some embarisment for Shîd Dyeshe.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê was built using the conventions of Iron Elven durring the early 13th century. Naturaly, all settlmentss have their own look to them, and G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê is no diffrent. The town's buildings feature timber and earth construction, with most buildigns first floors resembling mounds of earth, with subsequent floors appearing as elaborate log cabins, with each building forming a tiered pyramid of sorts fromed from the stack of rectangular, peek roofed cabins. Most wooden bracing, support, and trim is carved with decorative knotwork, and the larger structures even feature painted trim which emphasises the knotwork.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê is buildings folow an organic layout of crampt packed earth streets whihch gives the town a shape simmilar to a tree, if one views its streets from above. The town emploies a series of defencive earthworks and fences to provide minimal protection against wild beasts and smaller groups of intelegent foes. G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê's somewhat suffishent has sufferd soem light damage, reducing its function a little in some spots, but could almsot certainly preform as expected... Though some of the worse spots could lead to the loss of defenders lives if attackers identified the weaknesses ahead of time.

The first thing you notice about G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê is the large sign at the entrance welcoming you to their humble town. Children come up to you and say hi, some asking if you’ve fought any big monsters, and others just zipping away after their hello. The adults are much the same. By the time you’ve made it a significant way into the town you’ve been invited to a tavern for a pint to drink in exchange for news of the world. You’ve also had no less than three older women give you a sweetroll and direct your attention to their still unmarried children. It would be creepy if it wasn't so sincere.

Civic Infrastructure

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê has an Office of Civil Vicary, which is responsible for providing a livelyhood for all officialy recognised religious figures within G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê has a Gravedigger's Guild, which is responsible for collecting the dead and laying them to rest according to all applicable laws and religious customs.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê has a Highwayman's Guild, which is tasked with maintaining the roads and highways leading into town as well as keeping them safe for travelers.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê has a monistary of an order of Civil Monks, who provide divine-related services to the general public and maintain G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê's public wards, blessings, and other arcane systems.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê has a Parks and Recreation Department, which is responsible for the construction, management, and usage rights for all of its parks and parklands.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê has a public schooling program overseen by the Hall of Sages who has the responsibility of ensuring access to affordable high-quality education in all basic classes (Reading, Writing, Mathmatics, General Sciences, General Arcana, and Social Education) is made available to all citizens.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê is home to a University which provides higher education in a variety of fields, and also serves as a research institute for those same fields.

Cultural Notes

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê's chapel was built using a different architectural style from the rest of the town. The style used is best known for its functional shapes, abstract shapes used sparingly for decor, simple color schemes, holistic design, and basic industrial materials. Its simple designs were created to be beautiful, functional, and mass-producible. The style used little to no embellishment or ornamentation, instead drawing attention to the streamlined design, such as flat roofs to create a simple, geometric look. The simplicity masks the style's nearly sinister functionality, as every last feature is designed to guide the people living in the building in how to make the most efficient use of the structure.

In G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê rainbows form quite often above the Small Town.

The Snake, Venomous near G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê are known to be more aggressive than normal.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê's citizens partake in a curious ritual relating to their local kami. It takes place in summer and involves square dance to channel Charm energies of tier 3 via throat singing.


The following information was obtained via the Imperial Census Bureau as part of the Eyom Economic Outreach Program. It differs from Standard Imperial censuses in that many of Tom's citizens, regardless of culture, work in more than one occupation or hold more than a single job. The Imperial Census Bureau has ruled that a job is a job, hence, the intigers within the data presented here can count an individual more than once.


  • Dairy Farmers: 1
  • Farmers: 3
  • Farm Laborer: 8
  • Hunters: 3
  • Milk Maids: 2
  • Ranchers: 1
  • Ranch Hands: 2
  • Shepherds: 2
    • Farmland: 3955 m2
    • Cattle and Similar Creatures: 246
    • Poultry: 2952
    • Swine: 196
    • Sheep: 9
    • Goats: 1
    • Horses, Mounts, and Beasts of Burden: 98


  • Arms and Toolmakers: 1
  • Blacksmiths: 2
  • Bookbinders: 1
  • Buckle-makers: 1
  • Cabinetmakers: 2
  • Candlemakers: 3
  • Carpenters: 3
  • Clothmakers: 2
  • Coach and Harness Makers: 1
  • Coopers: 2
  • Copper, Brass, Tin, Zinc, and Lead Workers: 1
  • Fabricworkers: 2
  • Farrier: 5
  • Glassworkers: 2
  • Gunsmiths: 2
  • Hatters: 1
  • Jewelers: 1
  • Leatherwrights: 2
  • Matchstick makers: 1
  • Musical Instrument Makers: 1
  • Painters, Structures and Fixtures: 1
  • Paper Workers: 1
  • Plasterers: 1
  • Pursemakers: 1
  • Roofers: 1
  • Saddlers: 1
  • Scabbardmakers: 2
  • Scalemakers: 1
  • Soap and Tallow Workers: 2
  • Tailors: 5
  • Tanners: 1
  • Upholsterers: 1
  • Watchmakers: 1
  • Weavers: 3


  • Beer-Sellers: 1
  • Booksellers: 1
  • Butchers: 2
  • Chandlers: 2
  • Chicken Butchers: 2
  • Entrepreneurs: 1
  • Fine Clothiers: 2
  • Fishmongers: 2
  • Potion Sellers: 1
  • Resellers: 4
  • Spice Merchants: 1
  • Wine-sellers: 2
  • Wheelwright: 1

Service workers

  • Bakers: 5
  • Barbers: 3
  • Coachmen: 1
  • Cooks: 4
  • Doctors: 2
  • Gamekeepers: 1
  • Hairdressers: 3
  • Healers: 2
  • Housekeepers: 2
  • Housemaids: 4
  • House Stewards: 3
  • Laundry maids: 1
  • Maidservants: 3
  • Nursery Maids: 1
  • Pastrycooks: 3
  • Restaurateur: 4
  • Tavern Keepers: 4

Specialized Laborer

  • Ashworkers: 1
  • Coal Heavers: 1
  • In-Town Couriers: 2
  • Long Haul Couriers: 2
  • Dockyard Workers: 2
  • Leech Collectors: 2
  • Millers: 2
  • Miners: 2
  • Oilmen and Polishers: 1
  • Postmen: 2
  • Pure Finder: 1
  • Skinners: 2
  • Tosher: 1
  • Warehousemen: 3
  • Watercarriers: 2
  • Watermen, Bargemen, etc.: 3

Skilled Laborers

  • Accountants: 1
  • Alchemist: 1
  • Clerk: 1
  • Educators: 2
  • Engineers: 1
  • Plumbers: 1
  • Pharmacist: 1

Civil Servants

  • Bankers: 1
  • Civil Clerks: 2
  • Civic Iudex: 1
  • Exorcist: 2
  • Fixers: 1
  • Kami Clerk: 1
  • Landlords: 1
  • Lawyers: 1
  • Legend Keepers: 1
  • Militia Officers: 8
  • Monks, Monastic: 2
  • Monks, Civic: 2
  • Historian, Oral: 2
  • Historian, Textual: 1
  • Policemen, Sheriffs, etc.: 2
  • Priests: 4
  • Rangers: 1
  • Rat Catchers: 1
  • Scholars: 1
  • Spiritualist: 1
  • Storytellers: 3
  • Military Officers: 3

Cottage Industries

  • Brewers: 3
  • Comfort Services: 3
  • Enchanters: 1
  • Herbalists: 1
  • Jaminators: 2
  • Needleworkers: 3
  • Potters: 1
  • Preserve Makers: 2
  • Quilters: 1
  • Seamsters: 4
  • Spinners: 3
  • Tinker: 1
  • Weaver: 2


  • Actors: 1
  • Bards: 1
  • Dancers: 1
  • Glaziers: 1
  • Musicians: 2
  • Playwrights: 1
  • Wood Carvers: 3
  • Writers: 3

Produce Industries

  • Butter Churners: 3
  • Canners: 2
  • Cheesmakers: 3
  • Millers: 2
  • Picklers: 1
  • Smokers: 1
  • Stockmakers: 1
  • Tobacconists: 1
  • Tallowmakers: 2

282 of G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê's population work within a Foundational Occupation.

653 of G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê's population do not work in a formal occupation, but do contribute to the local economy. 49 (5%) are noncontributers.

Points of Interest

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê was unknowingly built atop something unstable, and now that substrate is crumbling. It may be swampy ground or a decaying coastline, or it could be an ancient buried city that’s now giving way. In the case of some antique habitation, the denizens that once lived there might be boiling upward as their home is collapsing, or new opportunities may be revealed even as the community’s present structure is ruined.

G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê is known for its well built pedestrian paths, which include foot bridges to cross the main street at several high-traffic areas.



In time immemorial, reportedly some time during the early 2nd century, G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê was attacked by savage tribes living nearby G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê. The details of the conflict are hazy at best due to many conflicting accounts. What is known is G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê lost 113 people, 206 livestock, and 41 buildings. The conflict ended after roughly 170, when members of G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê's militia enacted an operation to escort a particular irregulars group to a safe location. The operation was complicated by the enemy setting up an ambush. The conflict ended with pitched battle between both forces, which ended in a stalemate for G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê's forces. The war is remembered in legend by G̈lë-yîthi Fêqê's bards, historians, and legend keepers.
